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Winter Thrifting

It seems the girls and I have extended our semi-annual shopping spree to every season instead.  It was only recently that we shopped and thrifted for fall and now it's time for winter shopping I suppose.  I made the mistake of going to the regular store first this time around.  Usually, we hit the thrift store first before going to the regular store for things that are missing which explains why the tab was so large this time.  I will be keeping an eye on my Old Navy purchases though so I won't miss getting an adjustment when the items do go on a good sale.  Hopefully, I can get the bill down considerably after doing that.  Thrifting is always successful since our favorite store always seems to be brimming with great finds. Today is no exception!  I found the jackets we were missing and the suit jackets that Mer wanted from Old Navy but were way to expensive to slurge on. Thankfully, she agreed to wait and now she has 4 suits for less than the price of...

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