Exploring SF Landmarks: Sutro Baths and the Mosaic Steps
Continuing our celebration of being out of quarantine, the girls and I ventured out to San Francisco to spend a few hours exploring and enjoying the outdoors and the beautiful weather...within the limits, of course. With the Stay At Home Order still in full affect, only a few souls should be out and about but as expected, many are roaming and spending time outdoors likely to relieve the same cabin fever we all felt during our quarantine. It was nice to see the sights though mostly man made, it was a welcome change from the same 4 walls of our apartment.
So, as we enjoyed this day, I decided that it would be a good idea to start another series of adventure for me and the girls. Since they are a lot older now, we can go back and really take the time to photograph and explore the many landmarks that this city by the bay is so known for. We lived in Fremont, within easy access of San Francisco for so long but rarely do we get to really explore it. This time around we'll make a goal to explore as much of its famous sites and landmarks so that it can be a part of our 2021 which I feel will be no less constricting as 2020. We'll likely bring back our Monday or Tuesday explorations and bring our cameras back out again so that Mer can start shooting again and we can all enjoy her beautiful perspective. No matter what this year will bring, we hope to make more memories, enjoy spontaneity and make each day count!
So for the first stops in this series, I decide to go where I haven't been in a while and where we haven't taken the girls at all - Sutro Baths and the Mosaic Steps.
The sun came out in full force by the time we got to the city so the ocean view was quite spectacular. Sutro was no longer the picturesque place I remembered. It still hauntingly beautiful but it's now riddled with graffiti and garbage of people who came and went without a care. What a contrast to it's backdrop the sea, churning and letting it's powerful waves crash through what are seemingly delicate walls of the bath that would fall apart at any minute. The sea was constant and unyielding, unchanging and beautiful. Quite a contrast and testament to the difference of their makers and rightly so! After a short hike up, we were out of breath but ready for our next stop.
The Mosaic Steps was a beautiful addition to a lovely neighborhood that overlooks a beautiful vantage point of both the neighborhood and the sea.
You will only be gifted with that view though if you brave the more that 160 steps up, hopefully being distracted by the beautiful artwork that this staircase showcases to it's eager visitors. Mer and I were of course more than happy to take on the challenge but Myka stayed put braving only a few steps below. A few snaps for us and others and we were off to fill up on our sugar since all this exercising left us with low energy so Boba Guys here we come!
This will definitely be a series that I will be excited to do with my big girls now. It's more challenging but no less picturesque so hopefully, like before we will have plenty of photos and adventures to share. Here's to a better perspective for 2021!
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