Count Me In!

I've been debating for a while whether to take this step forward since I've always been a pen and paper kinda' gal. But the lure of having an opportunity to voice out heart whispers when called for seemed like a welcome change from the familarity of the day to day scene. It's great to be writing again! It seemed like ages since my thoughts have been expressed in a format I could look back on...and with the ability to add photos and videos!!!! Whooa!!! I'm there!!!

I am also a flickrite ( of those!)...but I've procrastinated posting pictures so much that by now I have at least a month to catch up to. So adding this blog is not really helping me at all. Yet as most moms it seems I thrive in the fact that another ball is added to my growing group of things to juggle and we would have it any other way!

So here's to the busy bees and the keeping of memories! Let's start a new pact and let the world hear our voice...given we sing in key! Ehh....that's another story.

It was such a hot day...AC anyone! Let's blow some air your way...


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