"I lost my friend Rabbit!"
Ok...before we even get to this, let me just say that I had no intention to traumatize my child by leaving behind what apparently was a well liked toy. So anyway, let's begin with this very Ickey tale...
I believe it was late last month, after the holidays, when the girls and I stopped by a Discovery Shop (2nd hand store for the American Cancer Society) and found a wooden rabbit with wheels by Lilian Vernon. Ickey took a liking to it already and dragged it around while we browsed. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything else to purchase so only the rabbit was to be bought for a $1.50. No big deal right? Wrong...I didn't have enough cash (I don't carry cash often) and we did look all over the place including my truck. So, we had to leave rabbit behind with every intention of coming back for her later. Well, we didn't get to go that day but we did try the next day but they were closed. So, to make the long story short...we did not get rabbit.
Thus, the constant complaints of "I lost my friend rabbit." So, today we decided to stop by Discovery Shop again hoping to see if rabbit would still be around. Well, what do you think? Of course, rabbit was no longer around but I did find this book for my homeopathic library.
Ickey was still grieving so we went to the other Thrift store with a hopes that she will find a substitute for rabbit but once again...no success, she wants rabbit.
So, our thrifting resulted with no rabbit but a few other scores anyway.
- a vintage typewritter
- an ice cream machine
- a couple of book for the girls library
- a small piece of fabric
- a beanie baby puppy and a couple of small toys for Mer
- and the best steal of all.....a vintage quilt which came out to only $2.10!!!
As for rabbit, well there's always ebay....I'm still looking for her.
A couple more side notes for today:
My sister-in-law got official word that the doctors will be stopping her chemotherapy. In view of this, my husband and I got the ball rolling to get her admitted to the Gerson Clinic in Mexico. We believe it will work for her and we are hoping that this is the one that will help extend her life. I'll share the details once we know for sure that she is accepted.
Secondly, another book joined my growing library today and there's more anticipated in mail. I'm hoping that I could purchase the other two library books that I still have and using almost daily. Cooking and preparing our meals and knowing that we're doing our bodies good by eating natural and organic is worth the effort and the initial expense for my references and supplies. I'm happy to see great results in my family already. The girls are already picking healthy stuff instead of junk or processed foods. They don't ask for McDonald's anymore and my hubby who suffers from chronic gout is doing better and believes firmly that it's his diet that's making a difference. We hope it will do the same for my sister-in-law as well.
Let's all eat well and be healthy!
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