Stopped in Our Tracks

It's only a matter of time that the sick bug visits us again.  It has been a while and thankfully so.  We've been very proud (not to mention relieved) that the girls are not sickly and we've been trying our best to assist them and their immune system by keeping their diet healthy and having enough rest (though more sleep would be lovely).  But alas, after our last adventure the ole' bug did show it's ugly head...Mer first and of course, soon to follow will be the little one.  She did get cold when we went to our playground tour but that's typical of Mer so didn't think much of it.  She was fine and in fact, she even went back after she already changed to play in the water some more.

So with lots of rest and quiet, they stayed in the warmth of our bed or the couch, sniffling and coughing but healing nonetheless.  As for me, taking the role of nurse is a job I do not enjoy but I know it's the one thing my girls rely and take comfort on while they test the limits of their bodies and learning of it's mortality.  It's a role I learn to take on more comfortably now than when I first became their mom though still with a bit of worry.  I just wish my husband would be the same way.  Illness brings out the hyper parent in him and though it still annoys me so, I've learn not to feed his worrying with my own.  The body is an amazing creation after all and sometimes it's best to stand back and learn from it as it naturally heals with just the right amount rest and love.

After a few days the girls are giggly and happy again, though still continually healing.  As they do, I made leeway on my to do list for our annual Antique Fair which is also our town wide garage sale.  We will be selling a lot this year particularly with the girls stuff, applying our new found love for simplicity.  So out goes a lot of their toys and other things that just clutter our small home and hopefully, it will start a bit of renewing and revamping as well.  It's been 10 years since we painted and decorated and with two girls now needing to be accommodated, I'm hoping to make a few simple changes to our home here shortly.

There's also the matter for school and yes, school shopping!!! So today, being the first day that our wheels started to turn once more, I gave the girls a bit of fresh air and a short shopping trip to get the last of Mer's essentials for next week's start of school.  I did a lot of online and thrift shopping already, trying to save as much money as I can but I still needed a few things and thankfully, we did not have to run all over the place.  We did make two stops today but one would done the job all together since H&M had an awesome Fall selection this year.  I've been disappointed by them for the last few years but this year they simply rock!!!

With that checked off our list, we went back to the business of getting well.  Still not quite 100% here in our neck of the woods but grateful as always that each day brings comfort, healing and learning.


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