Receding Water

We are privilege enough to live in an area where we enjoy nature in many ways.  The walk around our neighborhood offers a variety of scenery and highlighting the seasons in beautiful ways.  But as noted in so many ways recently, the earth is heating up and it's affecting everything.  As it turns out, our little corner of the world is not immune to it as well.  Our walks to the park don't often include the pond route anymore since the girls prefer to stay in the playground but when we finally made it back there this late in the fall, it was almost heartbreaking to see how much it changed.  The water level has so low that the roots of the trees that are usually under water were actually was heart wrenching.


It's a constant reminder of how important it is for each and every one of us to do our part no matter how small to protect and conserve our resources and to help our children appreciate them as well. 


We hope the coming winter rains are plentiful so that this beautiful treasure trove will thrive once more.  For now, we are enjoying the extended sun filled days hoping we could greet it each day with open arms instead of being forced to stay under the covers by another round of illnesses.  Lately, we feel a bit like these trees when it comes to our health but we know the seasons of replenishing is not far away.  Pretty soon our reservoirs will be filled and even be overflowing as well. (Isaiah 33:24)


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