A Summer Recap

As much as I wanted to resume my daily postings since early this year, I still found myself at the end of summer with nothing to show for in this space but regret for missing out on all the wonderful memories we had over this summer of 2013.

So perhaps to fill the void of what has been a  blur of a summer, here's a recap of our comings and goings in these past few months:

Myka had a Carnival Graduation Party to celebrate her completion of Kindergarten.  It was a lot of work and tears (because some ideas just didn't work out) but overall, it was awesome...just remind me not to do that again!

The day after school ended, we found ourselves in the familiar territory of our indoor pool place.  Yup, this is where our summer should begin.

Of course, it's not really summer without our garden and this year, we didn't forget to include sunflowers in the mix.

Our summer tradition in full swing as we celebrated our 2nd Congregation Camping trip.  Unfortunately, it looked like we did not have a lot of seasoned campers in my congregation since many who joined us last year, did not come again.  This year we were joined by San Jose. We braved the triple digits and had quite a few casualties.  By the last day, there were only about 5 families left!

I experienced my first "mini" Napa Valley wine tour in a limo with a few of my newest and now dearest friends.

Spent hot summer days in one of our favorite hangouts where fun and learning go hand in hand.

Checked out the neighborhood dog show for the first time since we started living here uhhh about 12 years ago and got dog crazy as expected....but not enough to get a puppy just yet.

Said goodbye to a few dear chickens since a visit from the animal control meant thinning our flock in half.  I do take comfort on the fact that they are better off because they now live in a farm where they are free to roam and be real chickens instead of just well loved pets.  Still.....I do miss my Momo!!!

We braved the beach a couple of times but both times turned out to be cold and windy.

Spent plenty of time with new BFFs!

Learned and performed our first Hawaiian Dance (Little Brown Gal).

And sisters just being sisters.....

We had a great and memorable summer!  Happier than ever perhaps because of new friends who now mean so much to us.  We are looking forward for the rest of this life changing year since many more changes are yet to come for our family. 

For now, we say goodbye to summer with a big sigh and a smile!  We'll miss you but we'll see you back soon...


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