Grad + BBQ + Party
Short preparation and a windy day, makes for a challenging set up and a lot of missed plans but Axel didn't expect much so all went well as far as he's concern. Food was awesome but came in portions since mom had to run around constantly, taxiing supplies, refills and requests of all sorts. But there was laughter, games being played by both young and old, food in the barbi and a pig that came in late and yet seemed to have disappeared quicker than any food item on the buffet.
So even with pennants fluttering continuously like sails in the wind and a dining canopy being uprooted and would have joined the rest of the kites airborne had not for a couple of makeshift anchors (a cooler and a water container).....we celebrated a completion, an end of a journey and then together we cheered him on as he continues on to the new.
So even with pennants fluttering continuously like sails in the wind and a dining canopy being uprooted and would have joined the rest of the kites airborne had not for a couple of makeshift anchors (a cooler and a water container).....we celebrated a completion, an end of a journey and then together we cheered him on as he continues on to the new.
Congratulations Axel!
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