On Ice

It's Halloween Day for the rest of the world but our little ones are having a blast nonetheless with lots of moving and a lot less sugar for sure, meeting new friends and having some quality time with those we already know and love....ice skating!

I opted not to hop on the ice this time, which I regret swiftly after realizing that I can't take any good pictures when I stay in the sidelines.  I getting less adventurous since I'm feeling my age a lot more lately with my back hurting more and feeling more aches and pains.  Since I fell the last time, I guess I'm a bit more fearful of the ice than ever but I'm sure I'll get back to it again once we attempt a second trip this season.

It's refreshing to have some "fun time" especially with brothers and sister who are laughing and having fun with you.  The girls are very content and are convinced that they had a better time than most kids their age who had a fleeting time with their holiday and probably had too much candy as well.

Nevertheless, it was too much for Myka who came home with a headache.  She went straight to bed with the hopes of sleeping it off.  I'm sure when she wakes up tomorrow, she'll have no regrets!

It's the first skate of the season and winter is not even officially here yet.  It's already spacing up to be another memorable one for sure!


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