Sliding Into Summer

When we find ourselves sunning in seemingly blue waters of the Aqua Adventures pools, then you are almost certain that summer has come.  It's a sure fire indicator that another school year has past and a welcome break is finally here....well, technically we are still working throughout summer but at least not as much.

Aqua Adventure is a summer welcoming tradition that we will certainly miss if we decide to go independent.  It is certainly a gateway to many victories for the girls who always seem to overcome some sort of challenge each time they are here. 

Today, they not only went back to the big slide but Myka actually went on here own, in her own tube!!!  She did great not only overcoming the heights but the fear of doing it on her own.  Their next conquest is the body slide!  No tubes just them sliding down...they both did great!

It will certainly be missed but I'm sure we won't stay away just because.  We are certainly looking forward to more adventures overcome and more victories achieved.


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