Summer 2015

Well I recapped the school year so I minus well recap this past summer as well.  Now that's quite eventful!  So much so that it felt like it was way too short!!!

Kuya Owen finished his High School journey and we couldn't be prouder!

We only had one beach day!!!  But it  was a big one, with the congregation to celebrate the many graduates among us!

This years' summer highlight was all about museums! First of, Exploratorium!  We finally got a break with the library's Explore and Go program and got two free tickets!  It was a must to visit and we were not disappointed!
Next, is Asian Art Museum.  This time with our adventure buddies for this summer.  This one was a welcome treat.  It was beautiful but just big enough to satisfy us without annoying the littles with limited attention spans.
Next off....Lawrence Hall of Science where we got to be space explorers!

Then, Japantown...though not a museum was a cultural experience nonetheless.
We had ONE swimming day at our usual swimming hole but the girls had swim class later on for two weeks so they didn't mind.
We celebrated and welcomed our newest addition to our congregation, Titus Liam Maximo!!!

We finally went camping again!  Well, sort of...our day trip turned into a two day camping trip as we celebrated Kuya's graduation at our favorite campgrounds in Modesto.

And I went on my solo adventure, as the girls started school again and attended my second PSS class! 

A memorable, happy summer to spur us on to the new school year.  Hopefully, it will inspire us to do awesome things as we look forward to the year ahead!


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