Making room for a winter garden
A privilege often overlooked being a resident of Northern California is that we can plant an edible garden all year round. Winter gardening is something I wanted to incorporate in our little backyard garden and today being gardening day in our schedule the girls and I spent a couple of hours enjoying the outdoors...reacquainting ourselves with the strange and beautiful plants already thriving in our backyard and then starting the work of preparing a space where we could hopefully grow some veggies.
With the weather being almost spring like, it was a nice day to get some fresh air and make plans to improve our little patch of earth. I'm thinking about installing a compost area but I'm still not sure how to best divide our small space for everything I wanted to include in our summer garden.
I'm hoping to have a bigger space for our strawberry patch so we could add more plants and to relocate the blueberry bushes so that we could add a couple more bushes there as well. I have a lot of leftover material just lying around ready to create several plant boxes but I what I really wanted are raised beds since they are easier to access.
Well, baby steps....for now, it's preparing and planting a winter garden...a lofty goal already but hopefully within reach here shortly.
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