Some days just ain't pretty

It's typical isn't it that when you feel like you are on a roll, you are then stopped in your tracks.  Well, today I woke up with a headache....which usually means, there goes the rest of my day.  I don't have migraine as my mom and brother do (thankfully) but I do get bad sinus headaches and that's what today feels like.  So after I dropped of the big girl to school, I told Ickey I was going to chill and take a short nap on the couch while she watched and play close by.

Thankfully, my littlest one is understanding and was not very demanding (not complaining even though she was a bit neglected today)...allowing me to let my Tylenol work and get relief.  She hung around close and snuggled with me when she can....I appreciated the company though would really like to stay as still as possible since my headache was making me nauseous.

Mer got the hint too after we picked her up from school since I did not let her play in the playground with her classmates as world was swirling as it is already and I wanted to make sure I make it home before it gets worse.  Thankfully, after a full day of rest and having two very patient little girls who played and went about their day while Mommy lay in the couch to heal....I felt well enough to know that tomorrow Mommy will be back on track....grateful that I only lost a day and tomorrow I can make it up.


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