Mini Date with Mommy

Ickey is finally feeling better and the weather is just too pretty to be indoors. I decided it's a good day to have a little mini date with Ickey again.  The last time I took her out was when she was still a bit upset for being left behind while her big sister goes to school. She's been requesting for donuts for quite some time now...we don't eat these often but I do let them have it once in a while as a sometimes treat. I wanted to be able to sit and spend some time with her though so I took her to Panera instead.  The chocolate croissant was too sophisticated for her palette though so she was not as impressed with it at all but she did like the having breakfast with mommy. 

Next year, she will be in school with Mer too.  For now, I think I'll keep taking advantage of the chance that I could spend some time just me and her.


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