One Big Party

You figured since the kids are back in school that all our theocratic activities are also done for the summer.  Well, this year seemed to year of change for that as well.  Two days into the new school year, our annual three day District Convention kicked off with it's final schedule here in the Bay Area.  Our location like last year was in the Santa Clara Convention Center - much more convenient for us here in the East Bay since it's a short 15 minute drive away....although I kinda' miss the whole hotel scenario since that became a summer tradition as well.
This year's theme is "God's Word is Truth" and the talks are simply phenomenal!!  Definitely a recharge to our commitment to stay focused in working on reviving our zeal and catching up on teaching our girls their most important family heritage - their spiritual heritage.

Of course, half the fun and encouragement of these gatherings are from spending time with our large family of spiritual brothers and sisters, some we see every week and some we only get to see in these large was great to see our old friends again!!! All in all the combined attendance of the English and Tagalog conventions were over 6,000!! It definitely felt like one big party and one big happy family!

With the convention done, our summer wrap up is definitely complete.   Next, a Special Assembly Day in the fall....see you all then!


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