Doing OUR Homework

She's a school girl now and homework comes with the territory, not that she minds.  Mer is always busy with something, whether organizing her ever growing binder of artwork or creating a new outfit for one of her dollys or doggies.  So homework is another welcome excuse to be busy....for now. 

Come homework time, Ickey and I usually hang around her work area doing our own homework.  I've been signing up for volunteer work for Mer's teacher and her other PTA activities.  I truly believe that a parents active participation and interest in their school makes a big difference and contributes greatly to our child's learning.  For now, I've been making sure that her class is all set and that her teacher has everything she needs.  That was why we were running around for supplies the other day.  She needed more crayons and markers so we were searching for leftover sales for school supplies on the cheap.  I also donated a few books to their reading library and will likely keep doing so since they always have a need for that. 

Eventually, I'm hoping to participate more significantly.  I'm setting up for a class craft project for them and I've also signed up to do FAME which is also an arts program for the school that will expand my volunteering to the other grade levels as well.  I wanted to give them as much as I possibly could in an effort to fill in the desire to home school my girls.  For now, I will divert the energy and skills I was reserving for that program to supporting her and her new learning environment in school. 

PTA is not the only program that we could support as parents to make a good school great. Wondertime magazine (I miss them) once published an article with 11 points that we could try. Some are establishing a reading buddies program where the big kids can read to the little kids, daily singing, an idea lab and so much more.  All of these ideas involves parent participation and cooperation and if your school is anything like ours, they will welcome your assistance with open arms and may even hold on to you tightly. 

Programs vary in each schools and/or every state.  It's a good idea to talk to the teachers directly to know where we could be of help.


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