The Long Weekend Recap

Friday was a blur and I was too exhausted to fit in a post.  So today will pretty much cover the last three warned, this will be a long one. By the way, I just realized that I've been posting so late that it's actually a day behind.  So just to keep things accurate and so not to confuse myself in the future (since most of this is for record keeping and memories), I've been adjusting the dates for all my post to reflect the actual date that the events occur (well, except for multiple day posts like this).  Confused yet?  Well, I am so let's just move on with this recap shall we?

Friday was packed full as noted above.  It's my brother's day to spend with me and girls so it usually means some time out and about.  And since it was a beautiful day, we opted for some outdoor exploring and stumbled across a great find in Palo Alto, a short drive and a bridge toll away.  I've been reading about a Junior Museum and small zoo there that is of donation basis (but not required if you don't have any money at the time). What we found was a small jewel of a place with great activities for the kids and a peaceful, well cared of menagerie of beautiful animals, some of which were very familiar to my kids through books so they were pretty excited to see them live and up close.

Mer was particularly smitten with a beautiful duck that her Uncle Allen found among the many but was a stand out because of it's beautiful colors.

Ickey was more interested with the Museum portion where they featured fun  interactive activities for the little ones regarding the power of "green" energy.

It was a great find and we would have stayed much longer if I had been more prepared.  I forgot to pack snacks for the girls.  I had a busy morning making donuts! Yes, I did make them and with a few adjustments, they should be better the next time I try them again.  

Anyway, the girls still did not really eat a lot for breakfast so they did have enough to get through the rest of the afternoon.  So off we went to Ikea for lunch and back to Stanford Shopping Center to ran an errand for Daddy and for some Pinkberry!!!

We ended the day with a simple dinner at home and said goodbye to Uncle Allen so that he could move on to his next stop -  a visit with my girls' cousins (his weekly stop as well).

Saturday morning plans for field service was canceled when my hubby did not come home on time.  He had to check on my sister-in-law to make sure she was taking her supplements as she is still in the middle of full week of chemo treatments.  He came home to some homemade zucchini bread (yum, yum,yum) and an early lunch.  

Sunday morning is usually our breakfast time together as a family. Today, I made Artichoke Frittata, Rosemary Herbed Potatoes and uncured Apple Smoked Bacon (from Trader Joes). Unfortunately, I was not able to take any photos out of haste since it's off to the Hall for our Sunday meetings at 12pm.  The rest of the day was spent with the girls running some errands and finding a ball of yarn that I needed for my next crochet project. 

Next week, the goal is to have most meals as vegetables...I know, quite daring with two little ones...but we'll just have to wait and see....till then!


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