Farm Fresh

Now that our meetings are later on Sundays, we can take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy our Farmers Market.  We have several in our area during the week but this is usually one of the bigger ones (1 or 2). So today with two kids in tow (they both woke up early this morning), we were enjoying the beautiful weather and the fresh picks of the season and by that we are particularly loving the first appearance of of our all time faves!!!

The girls were also pretty interested in the different colored veggies.  Mer brought home a purple cauliflower (which she rightly identified) and Ickey was making sure we have plenty for her favorite dish ever...eggplant omelet.

My hubby already has a significant stash of veggies at home so our loot was mostly fruits. I'm thankful that despite our difficult situation lately (financially), our state assistance benefits still allow us to take advantage of places like this and thus make better choices for ourselves and our kids.


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