Late Bounty

It's mid-October and the cool air comes and goes here in California.  But if you stroll through our little backyard garden, it seems like it's still in the peak of summer.  I've been so busy with school activities and the like that I haven't been paying attention to how fruitful our little patch has been.  Today, I decided to indulge myself and picked some of what's ready and available. 

It's amazing what can be grown even in limited space. Existing plants are still producing and thanks to my husband's diligence, we even have plants still growing for a winter harvest. 

Unfortunately, the opposite is to be said of our apple tree.  Last year's decent yield made for this years timidness.....perhaps next year will be its year of plenty.

And this is only one part of the garden....there's more to see in the very end of the backyard....squash, eggplant and chili's of different varieties.  Not too shabby indeed for this little garden in a little house.


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