The Joy of Giving

We finally completed the school project that Mer and I have been working on after a lot of last minute rushing.  I wanted her to give it out before this month was over since they will switch lessons again in the start of the new month.  So, after a few days of cramming, it was finally time to give them away.

Mer wanted to participate in every aspect of this project but the sewing part was a bit much so though she did do a few owls I still have to do the majority of the hand and machine sewing.  What she did take charge of is picking the colors, fabric combinations, trims and then she hand picked every owl for each and everyone of her classmates.  It's funny how she knew each child well  though that certainly made these little gifts even more special. 

The girl owls had bows and were winking and the boys were mostly blue (no flowers, definitely no flowers). I had planned on taking pictures every step of the way but my forgetfulness gets the better of me and was only able to take pictures when I remember to do so.  In haste, I forgot to take a picture of all the owls together and only remembered it after they were already packaged by Mer....oh well.  Anyway, they were packed in a small paper bag with a label in the front saying, "Just a gift to let you know that I'm glad I have you as my new friend!"  Each bag was named, each owl hand picked by Mer for each child and then I had to burn the midnight oil and finish her teacher's version which is of course, way bigger than the baby owls.  She had wings and more hand stitching details and then I hand stitched a short but sweet dedication in the back so she'll always remember who gave it to her.

They all turned out beautiful!!!  But most importantly Mer was very happy with them and could not wait to give them away.  I volunteered for the first part of their day in class and when they went out for their recess and to get their library book, I arranged the bags to each classmates place in the room.  Their teacher gave them the advance notice of the surprise and of course, everyone was very excited when the walked through the door.  Many of them were already hugging her before they even saw their gifts. It was a heart warming sight but out of respect for the kids and their parents though, I opted not to take pictures when they did open their gifts.  I still wished I asked permission for it though because it was definitely a scene for the memory books.  All of her classmates loved them and as soon as they saw it, they ran to Mer and gave her a hug.  Then, I asked Mer to give her teacher her gift so she was able to open it and the kids were able to see hers as well.  Mer was beaming with pride and was very did the whole class!!!

There was no occasion other than being grateful for new friendships and a wonderful teacher.  Its a practice we do at home since we don't celebrate holidays and so we usually give our children gifts just because.  This time around I wanted her to feel the joy of being the gift giver.  It was a lesson I wanted to make sure she learned and practice Jesus himself said; "There is happiness in giving than there is in receiving."  (Acts 20:35)


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