Meet Ada and Friday

These two "strays" are the latest addition to our family.  The girls are taking advantage of the abundance of costumes in the thrift stores this month to add to their ever growing costume box.  This particular trip Mer was intent on finding a "Jessie" (cowgirl) and a doctor's coat but was more than happy to settle for a pink poodle instead (even if it is too small for her). Ickey of course, had to have a doggy get up too so thankfully there was another one and it just so happens to be like her favorite stuff dog, Friday.  Thus, the name - Friday and Mer the poodle was named Ada (she loves those one syllable names for some reason).

 We are happy to have them of course, although I could probably do without the endless barking and request for toys to be fetched.  Apparently, I still need to take them to doggie training school so they would be more behaved and do more tricks....if only it was that easy for their non-doggie counterparts. :)


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