Off to Discover

We had a free pass from our library to the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito. So after Mer came home from school, we rushed out to the city expecting to at least enjoy the museum for a few hours before it closes at 4pm. We got there quickly since the traffic was amazingly light for a beautiful Friday afternoon but then come to found out the reason was Fleet Week and the Blue Angels were practicing for the Saturday performance so many were already in the area.  

We finally got to the museum at 2pm and since it is our first time, we didn't know what to expect.  The museum was very different from our Discovery Museum in San Jose since most of the activities were in separate buildings and/or outdoors. It was a perfect way to spend an afternoon, having the beautiful views of the Golden Gate as a backdrop.

Of course, my camera had issues so forget getting great pictures of the scenery but the girls had lots of fun, discovering, exploring, trying everything out.

Afterwards we went to Pier 39 to enjoy the rest of the beautiful evening. Since our museum tickets were free we were able to treat ourselves to a nice dinner at Bubba Gump which also had spectacular ocean views. Afterwards, the girls and I rode the big carousel (Mer loved it, Ickey was terrified...she's not pale btw - it's blue jello) then we all enjoyed an ice cream treat before riding back home exhausted but feeling very full.

 We've been hoping for a getaway and I guess this counts as one. There's so much to explore in this beautiful city and we're just happy to be able to take advantage of it.


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