Many Hands

Our congregation's integration in our new home was swift and steady.  We are enjoying the love and wide open arms of the friends as they welcome us as a new group enjoying their beautiful Kingdom Hall.  And as if it was perfectly timed, we got to contribute in the care and upkeep of our new facilities with our annual fall clean up over the weekend. 

The many hands that made the work so effortless was a wonderful sight to behold.  But even more special is when you see that even little hands were involve in the work and was actually enjoying themselves as they do so. 

Outside our home, our family is large and continuously growing.  Beyond the stories I write here everyday is the other half of our life - our faith and the work that we, as a family do because of it.  The formation of our new congregation in our area is proof that the preaching work commanded by Jesus is progressive (Matthew 24:14).  We are looking forward to contributing more to it as part of this new group in the days to come!


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