Trading Up

Mer had to leave early from school today.  There was a scheduled activity that she couldn't take part in and because I wanted to make sure to fill the void I poked around for something else to do and found a sweet deal from our friends - the library (we love our library!)....another "GO PASS", the same program that afforded us the opportunity to visit the Discovery Museum, this time gave us deep discounts to go to the Lawrence Hall of Science to see dinosaurs!!!

I was a bit hesitant to take the girls there since Ickey is not a big fan of big, scary looking creatures.  As expected, one look at the big displays and she's pointing to the door.  But after a while, despite the nervous looks to the dinos every time she hears the audio, she too was enjoying herself....and why not, how cool is it to experience touching a live snake!!!

 Mer was particularly interested with the other exhibits about a mechanical car overcoming up and down terrain.  They had to "design" the wheels so that it could successfully clear the obstacles and Mer's did!  She definitely got her dad's mechanical skills.

 There were outdoor exhibits with running water that of course, proved irresistible to the girls but I was more smitten with the view!  The city and bridges were visible and just breathtaking.

Unfortunately, I forgot to check my cash funds and realize that we didn't have a lot for our parking fees (they did not have an ATM believe it or not).  So in our haste we apparently did not see the rest of the dino exhibits!  I guess that means we have to go back before January 1 when the dino exhibits are done.  I'm sure now that Ickey knows what to expect, she won't mind seeing the dinos again. 


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